Tuesday 23 June 2009


say hello to miss "high school". HELL YEAH! i graduated. what a day that was man, i nearly cried when the principal was telling us who graduated. but when he told us on the 20th of June 2009 at 10.00 am "SMP Islam Al-Izhar tahun 2008-2009 angkatan XV LULUS 100%" meaning : this years JHS passed 100%! when i heard that, i screamed so loud! it was such a huge relieve!

and then the night came, my graduation. it was weird cause we had to wear kebaya. and i looked like..... crap! as you can see. my hair was like.... ass! but it's ok. it's the memory i guess that's important? well there is something called NEM in indonesia, and i got 31,75. for people that is badd! so i don't really tell people but, what can i say?? i never got a >30 [max is 40 btw]

that night was very sad, so i was emotional. it was like the last time i saw everyone [my year] in one place. maan, gonna miss them. they might not be the most perfect bunch of people, but i was with them for 3 years, and for some 10 years. and now some of us are going separate ways. and XV will not be with the same people. new people will come, and go. and even my ex is gonna be one school with me! weird, huh??

oh well, after that day, i had to wake up early to go to puncak [it's a hill around 2 hours from jakarta]. we were hoping we would get there for 2 hours, but it took us 9 DAMN FREAKIN HOURS! the traffic was CRAP! theeen we got there and just hanged around, and on the last day.... we went to safari! SOOO DAMN COOL!

so it was sooo fun, and now i'm SUPER tired. so i'll write more when i feel better? ok then, byt guys

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